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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 3, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PDT

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this is an amazing moment. that is the spire that will go 1776 feet in the air at one world trade center. those guys worked so hard. huge moment for them. huge, wonderful moment. bill: ground zero never looked better. have a great weekend. we've got to run, right? martha: "happening now" starts right now bye-bye. jon: huge moment for the nation. right now brand new stories and breaking news. a home raided just outside of washington, d.c. two women taken from there. now an investigation underway into a case of alleged human trafficking. plus billions of dollars spent on phony unemployment claims. how people who have jobs are ripping us all off and what can be done to stop it. and a young doctors collapses and dies. police say she had toxic levels of cyanide in her bloodstream. it's all "happening now." jon: and we begin with brand
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new developments in the boston bombing investigation. good morning to you on this friday, i'm jon scott. >> i'm arthel neville in for jenna lee on special assignment for "happening now" arthel: we're getting word a 4th of july attack was planned. jon: it was a target of opportunity after the pressure cooker bombs came together sooner than expected as we try to find out what killed tamerlan tsarnaev after he died with confrontation with police after reportedly he was run over by his own brother escaping in the stolen suv. his body out of the medical examiner's office. catherine herridge is live in washington for us. what are we learning about the bombs themselves, catherine? >> reporter: good morning a national security force familiar with the boston
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investigation that dzhokhar tsarnaev told investigators that the bombs came together more quickly than expected with the brothers deciding to target the boston marathon. a national security source described the mayorthon, as quote a target of opportunity without adding further comment. the planning showed clear premeditation including the decision to target the finish line. the brothers had assembled four different types of ieds or improvised explosive device and virtually all were effective. this is unusual. typically in homegrown cases only one kind of ied is constructs. separately a source familiar with the case told fox news that the bombs are believed to have been built in tamerlan's home in cambridge. this raises questions about his wife, katherine russell. we have a mug shot from our hop lifting arrest in may 2007, whether she and the baby were still living with tamerlan at the time. >> she lived with him. she saw his change in attitude. she has some explaining to do. or at least some very
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difficult questions to answer. >> reporter: russell's lawyer has not commented on reports that she was in touch with her husband after the boston bombings, jon. jon: bill gavin there talking about the change in attitude on the part of her husband. what about their radicalization? what are we learning about that. >> reporter: the brothers were followers of the american born cleric anwar al-awlaki, what is called the leader of the new digital jihad. al-awlaki and others rely on social media and the web to drive their radical message. he was killed in a cia drone strike in 2011 the his lectures and videos live on in the web an common for the home gone followers to be a follower of his online sermons. the cleric live ad double right. there on the right is the mug shot from 1997 when he was picked up for soliciting prostitutes in san diego. a analysis of the boston marathon bomb parts show they likely relied on a radio control found in toy cars. this detonation mechanism or
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switcher is not found in the al qaeda web manual, put out by al-awlaki's group, al qaeda in yemen. the chairman of the house intelligence committee republican mike rogers and chairman of house homeland security committee mike mccaul stated on the record they believe the bombs were relatively sophisticated and required training to build them and it was not possible to achieve instructions on the web and build two bombs that were so effective. jon: still a lot of questions to answer. catherine herridge thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> we're getting close to the fire and we jelled the house and, they said you could shelter in place but, it is kind of pointless. let them fight it. arthel: take you out west now, where thousands of homes are threatened as a massive wildfire rages in southern california. just about 20 miles north of malibu, firefighters trying to beat back the flames which have already scorched more than 15 square miles. joining us now on the phone,
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captain mike linbury of the ventura county fire department. mike, good morning to you. >> good morning. arthel: i understand that the blaze is what 10% contained but you have a got a tough day ahead of you. you've got the hottest day of the week. the high santa ana wind kicking in and lots of dry vegetation. what is your plan of at that time act for today? >> our number one objective to keep everybody safe including our firefighters and all the citizens. after that we'll look for points of opportunity to insert our troops, get them in there, get a line cut around this thing. obviously the weather will be a major problem today. this weather is very, very unusual for this time of year and even when the winds have stopped we've seen rapid fire development. so we're looking at a lot of the same today. with a little bit of a twist this afternoon we're supposed to shift from an off-shore back to onshore breeze. that may give a chance for the fire to actually blow back in the direction from
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which it came which would be good in the middle. fire but on the sides of the fire the lateral problem would be structures on either side that could be threatened once again. arthel: with that said, captain mike, what areas are facing the most danger today? >> well in the east side of this fire towards the los angeles area, just as a reference, that would be an area called deer creek. we have a lot of homes up in that area. it is very expensive homes and also, you know, some very moderate homes but this area has had a history and burned in 1993 in our green meadow fire and we saw several structures destroyed by fire in that area. on the other side of it would be the northern part of this fire near the camarillo community and we have a cal state university up in that area and several businesses that could possibly be impacted. >> i understand parts of pch,
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pacific coast highway had been closed off about a 10 mile stretch. captain, before you get to that, bear with me here, you talk about the homes. i know you say it is too early to tell exactly how many homes have been destroyed or damaged but can you talk to me about evacuations as well? >> i can. currently our evacuation situation is this. the area of bana, the area of deer creek, and that area, pch you saw in a very dramatic shot there showing the fire coming right down to pacific coast highway and the ocean, everything north of that along the coast has been evacuated. other than that we've been fortunate enough to lift a lot of the mandatory evacuations we had yesterday and let a lot of people in larger neighborhoods. the fire blew by yesterday back in. so we're basically shifting our area of focus as this thing moves faster and faster toward the coast. arthel: and today as you said it will be a tough day.
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you have got your manpower there. any extra equipment today you haven't been using so far? >> well one of the things we have on our site we're sending a lot of fresh firefighters out there. everybody that went on the fire's initial attack started about 6:00 a.m. yesterday and they worked through the night. until this morning. right now we're in the position where we are shifting and bringing the fresh firefighters in. so we'll have people out there. they will have a lot more energy and get more things done. we have a lot more equipment than we did yesterday. arthel: all very important in fighting this blaze. good luck to you captain mike linbbery. thank you very much for your time. jon: a lot of nervous people out there. federal authorities are investigating a case of alleged human trafficking just outside the nation's capitol, the feds raiding the home after saudi diplomat taking two women from the premises. doug mckelway is live in washington with more on that. this is a weird one, doug. what are the women claiming happened to them?
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>> reporter: i.c.e. agents are called to upscale home of a saudi military attache on tuesday. they removed two alleged victims, two filipino women who claimed the saudi attache confiscated their passports and made them work long hours without pay. our local affiliate reports that one of them tried to escape in the gap of a front gate as it was closing. wttf interviewed a neighbor of the compound. >> i'm in shock because i live down the street and things like this don't happen in mclain. i feel bad for the women if the story is true and awful and very frightening and considering next to cia, why would it be happening here? >> reporter: immigrations and customs says their investigation is ongoing. our local affiliate report that is a spokesman for the saudi embassy told them the compound is separate from the embassy which is downtown but the spokesman offered no comment beyond that, jon. jon: i know this case is getting a fair amount of attention but human traffic something not uncommon even in the u.s., right? >> reporter: yeah that's right.
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even as we speak congressman frank wolf from virginia, who has been a champion cracking down on human trafficking is holding a long-planned forum on trafficking in mcclain, virginia, in all places less than a mile from where the incident occurred. he says mistakenly assumes human trafficking is only happening in foreign countries about but happening in america with american children. ms-13 runs prostitution rings in this area, nabbing unsuspect spg young immigrants and exploiting them. the vast majority of those trafficked are women and children. according to the state department 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year. that does not include trafficking within a specific country's borders an concluding the united states. jon, final lie because so much of this happens behind closed doors it is very difficult to try to verify any hard numbers on it, jon. jon: doug mckelway in washington. thanks, doug. >> reporter: sure thing. arthel: coming up a well-respected doctor
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collapses and dies three days later. what officials found in her blood that has the police involved. the unemployment rate is at the lowest point in four years but is that really the whole story to today's positive jobs report? former cbo director doug holes will join us later and give us his take. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve,
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manhunt for a the killer of a 8-year-old girl there, leila fowler. california police say one key witness is now deemed not credible. police say a man arrested in a nearby town for trying to kidnap another girl has been ruled out as a suspect. jon: brand new information on the economy now. the unemployment rate falling to 7.5% in april. that according to the labor department. the lowest level in four years. our economy added 165,000 private sector jobs last month, more than most analysts expected. that news has sent stocks soaring this morning, crossing the 15,000 mark for the first time ever. and right now still above 15,000 by a couple of points. joining us now to break down the monthly numbers, douglas holtz-eakin, former director of the congressional budget office and president of the american action forum. all right, doug, the white house is somewhat crowing about these numbers. how do you read them? >> well, certainly the
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numbers you pointed out are good news. 165,000 jobs. unemployment rate down to 7.5%. revisions up for past months as well. last month's jobs report on the surface looked terrible. it was revised upward. and we didn't see the large outflow of discouraged workers this month that has been characteristic of the past. this is actually a report that has some good news. but, i think if you dig inside of it there is still some reasons for concern. jon: such as? >> well, the job growth was not particularly widespread. we saw declines in the goods-producing part of the sector. this is all service growth. it is concentrated pretty narrowly in leisure and hospitality and administrative services. there are a lot of people working part time now and, even though we saw the number of jobs go up, we didn't see total hours go up because everyone is working less. that translated into lower average weekly paychecks. so i worry about the stories we hear about the new affordable care act causing employers to only go to
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part-time workers. it may be starting to show up in the data. it is fine to get more jobs but you like them to be full-time good-paying jobs. jon: i have a daughter that graduates from college in a couple of weeks. there are, and you touched on this, 38,000 of these new jobs were in bars and restaurants. >> right. jon: i'm hoping that my daughter can find something besides work in a bar. >> well, there's bars. there's restaurants. there is temporary work. which is usually, a sign that the economy is picking up. we were relied heavily on that this month. you would like to see that translate into broader full-time employment. i guess that is what is missing inside this report that you would like to have in order to really declare victory. jon: the labor force participation rate remains unchanged at 63.3%. it dropped to that number last month and it is my understanding that is as low as that number has been since 1979. what does that tell you? >> it tells you that the good news we stopped having bad news but we remain, we
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remain at very low levels of work in the united states. and there are many, many people who are, quite discouraged by their job prospects and they remain out of work and they have given up looking. inside this report, there is something called the u-6. it is the geeky measure of unemployment that captures not just the traditional out of work but those who are, withing part-time without a choice. those who have to then disurge coulded that is a number that went up this month, not down and that reflects the broader discontent with the overall picture. jon: if this participation rate is at 63%, that leaves, what, 37% of the country who could be working not working? >> if you look at the ratio of the number of people in the united states who are working to the number in the united states, that's a low number. we're not taking advantage of the skills of our population. and if we want to have a robust recovery, if we want to give to the next generation the standard of living that we inherited and
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then better, we have to reverse that. that is a real problem that is emerging in this recovery. jon: because obviously people who are working are paying taxes. people who aren't working are generally collecting benefits. so it is expensive for everybody. >> it is expensive for everybody and at a time when we've got 17 trillion in national debt and 7 trillion in projected deficits. anything for better growth will help reverse that. jon: douglas holtz-eakin. we'll continue to watch these numbers and hope they improve next month. douglas, thank you. >> thanks, jon. arthel: my cousin is finishing grad school in 11 days and i hope she will get a really good job. jon: it is really tough, especially for young people right now, really tough. arthel: it really is. moving on now the fbi is making the case against the second suspect accused of sending poison-laced letters to the president. the first suspect was cleared and released but agents say this time they have got their man. you -- >> you better not arrest me. are you kidding meal? >> nope, i told --
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>> i'm an american citizen. arthel: the video of actress reese witherspoon, her altercation with a state trooper going viral but police say they never release the dash-cam footage. the latest on the leak coming up in "fox 411.". >> i have to obey your orders? >> yes, you do. >> no, i do not. >> reese. v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know.
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arthel: new information in the case of a mississippi man accused of sending poison-laced letters to president obama and others. an fbi agent presenting evidence against james dutschke during a preliminary hearing. rick folbaum in our new york newsroom. they are saying they got the right guy this time, right, rick? >> that's right, arthel. the first time someone was arrested for sending poison
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letters, an fbi agent said they didn't have any evidence linking him to the crime. this time it is different. james everett dutschke is accused making deadly substance ricin an inserting it in letters sent to the president and u.s. senator roger wicker and a local mississippi judge, said did i holland. in a court hearing hearing yesterday for dutschke an fbi agent testified a dust mask like a carpenter might use had his dna on it. they were watching dutschke when they saw him remove items from a martial arts studio he used to own. he watched him walk down the street and throw the items away in the trashcan. the dust mask was one of the those items there is proof that dutschke made three separate online purchases of castor beans. you can't make ricin without castor beans. you may remember elvis impersonator, paul kevin curtis was the first person charged with sending letters and he claimed he was framed. he fingered dutschke as
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someone who might have framed him. still no word on a motive, arthel. the local magistrate says there is enough probable cause to send the case to a grand jury. not clear when that will happen. meantime james dutschke sits in jail. arthel: bottom line, scary stuff. rick, thank you very much. jon: well, the video doesn't lie and reese witherspoon is apologizing now for her run-in with police. the altercation caught on camera. it's now going viral. the georgia state pa toll says that agency did not release the dash-cam video to the public. julie banderas has it life in our new york newsroom with the fox 441. julie? >> you have to feel bad for this girl, most of us anyway really love her as an actress. reese witherspoosmbraer asment place out for enfire world. hollywood actress known for playing a loveable girl next door playing a much different role in front after police dash-cam and it
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is not pretty. in the video obtained by "tmz" she interrupts the georgia state trooper five times while he was trying to conduct a field sobriety test when he pulled her husband over for suspicion of dui. she is goes to far she is pregnant and needs to use the bathroom. the cops not buying this performance. reese is proud to be an american. watch. >> i would like to know what is going on? >> he is under arrest. >> i have an mile-per-hour citizen and any question i want to ask. >> go ahead. go on. >> you better not arrest me. are you kidding me? >> no. i told -- >> i'm an american citizen. >> i told you to get in the car and stay in there, didn't i? >> this is beyond, this is beyond. >> you fight with me --. >> reporter: that act landed witherspoon and her hollywood agent husband jim toth in handcuffs. she since apologized for her actions and ordered to pay a $213 fine. he pled guilty to dui. >> how much longer is this
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going to take? >> two minutes. just two minutes. arthel: he was in the building. hans solo wookie sidekick a bit of a diva in chair. perhaps just excited for this weekend as tomorrow, in case you didn't know is "star wars" day. may the 4th be with you, get it? neither did i. a friend who is huge geek. star wars themed events are happening all over the country celebrating the classic sci-fi movie. this year's "star wars" day has more enthusiasm because most plans are excited for the new film in the works. "star wars" episode 7 is due in 2015. are you guys "star wars" geeks by any chance. >>, i'm not a geek but i do a good chewbacca impersonation. arthel: you can't do that without saying. do you do that in the makes upchair too? jon: no. arthel: he looks in the mirror first thing in the morning.
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jon: you are cruel. you are cruel. arthel: julie, you're right, we all love reese witherspoon. too bad that isp happening to her. >> this is the last time i think we'll ever see her do anything like that. jon: i giver her points keeping potty mouth clean. >> she didn't curse that was amazing. >> i'm not sure if it was you or i -- >> not sure what you're talking about. jon: mel gibson she is not. arthel: thank you, julie. we come back with a record-shattering may snowstorm across a huge part of the midwest. we've been following the slow moving storm. now maria molina is getting new information where it is hitting next and when. plus the jury could begin deliberating today in the jodi arias murder trial. a case that captured headlines worldwide. coming up the judge's ruling that just might spare jodi arias the death penalty. >> and even after stabbing him over, over again, and
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even after slashing his throat from ear to ear, and then even after taking his gun, shooting him in the face, she will not let him rest in peace. but now, instead of gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. changing the world is exhausting business.
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with the innovating and the transforming and the revolutionizing. it's enough to make you forget that you're flying five hundred miles an hour on a chair that just became a bed. you see, we're doing some changing of our own. ah, we can talk about it later. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving.
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arthel: a historic may snowstorm sweeping across the midwest after dumping unprecedented amounts of snow from texas to minnesota. some places getting over 16 inches. maria molina has the latest now. maria, talk about a crazy spring, huh? >> yes, that's right. very crazy stuff in terms of snowfall but we do want to first talk about the elevated fire danger that continues in place across parts of the desert southwest including parts of southern california where several wildfires continue burning and we do have red-flag warningings in eye affect across parts of southern california and arizona and northern california because of low humidity that continues in place. strong wind gusts of over 60 miles per hour. we saw rereports of that yesterday. that's what we're looking at across southern california. very warm temperatures. 90. shy of triple digits for some of you. 102 for the high temperature in death valley. a little bit of good news we have in the forecast we're
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expecting improved weather conditions next couple days. by saturday and sunday many of you will look at cooler temperatures. 60s for some of you and a slight chance of showers coming through. higher humidity. that should help out the firefighting efforts across this part of the country. otherwise the snowfall, we actually set several records in terms of the most snow for the month of may for several states. minnesota, wisconsin, iowa and in arkansas actually, we've never seen snow in the month of may. up credible stuff from the snowstorm. the good news with that, the snow is ending but it could bring in areas of heavy rain across sections of the mississippi river valley. so we'll keep an eye on that. jon: wow. arthel: can't catch a break. thanks, maria. >> 18 inches of snow. >> got this history, all along, not only of lying outside of the courtroom but she has sat in the witness stand, a place where you have taken an oath, a place that is sacrosanct in finding the truth, has sat on that witness stand,
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looked at each and everyone of you in the eye and lied to you. jon: well that was prosecutor juan martinez in arizona delivering his closing arguments in the jodi arias murder trial yesterday. she is the woman as you probably know the charged with stabbing and shooting her ex-boyfriend to death in 2008. the defense is about to deliver its closing arguments any moment now. the jury could finally begin deliberating this case as early as today. now the judge has allowed jurors to consider the lesser charge of manslaughter. that could spare jodi arias the death penalty. let's bring in our panel. criminal defense attorney carey hackett and prosecutor dan shore. she admits she killed him and she says it was self-defense. why allow dan, this man slaughter charge or manslaughter penalty. >> there is a theory of the case which is not very credible that travis alexander started the
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altercation. there wasn't enough reason to kill him but enough to respond in the way she did that it would be manslaughter instead of murder. she could argue it was reckless killing. overwhelming evidence it was premeditated. it was planned. the murder weapon was same caliber gun stolen from her grandparents home. she took a car and cover up other steps. very unlikely she will get the manslaughter charge as a conviction but worth a shot from her side. jon: carey, from the prosecution's side, sort of a safety valve too as well, potentially. which side does it benefit more? >> well, you know, i don't think that the jury is going to get there to the manslaughter charge. essentially i think the jury is either going to take a look at this case and believe jodi arias or not believe jodi arias. and that's why juan martinez is doing what he needs to do in this closing say, look, the defense's theory of the case is not credible here. the defense in their closing is really going to have to come together and pull
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together reasons why jodi is telling the truth in this case and why she could be considered not the aggressor here and acting in self-defense. jon: pretty hard to sum up closing arguments because they go on for hours. i want you to play a little snippet what juan martinez had to say. >> it is cold think, it is thinking, it is premeditated, to go up to this individual, someone that you planned to kill for days, someone which whom she has been intimate with, and then attack him. she hasn't indicated to you that it was a shot to the head. but the evidence, the forensic evidence speaks otherwise. and for you to believe her and for you to believe that this shot was first, you will need to set aside everything that she has told you, to, the gas cans, everything else that she has told you, including the fact that she lied to the police. including the fact she lied to the experts.
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including the fact that she lied here. and then, you have to say, even though she has lied all of these times, even though she looked us in the face and lied to us, we're not -- now going to believe her as to one particular aspect. her defense is really based on lies, it really is. jon: dan, as a former prosecutor, was it effective? >> i think it was very effective. she has lied from the very beginning. she originally said she wasn't there at the time of killings. then she said masked intruders killed travis alexander. she admitted she took part in it and couldn't remember what happened after she shot him. that is not credible. there is so much evidence that she intended to kill him. she went there with a plan. the fact she lied to cover it up, that is the not the way a person reacts if they did a reckless killing, something that would fall under manslaughter. all evidence points to an intentional crime, premeditated cry.
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jon: care re, i'm asking this of a criminal defense attorney but she spent 18 days on the stand feet away from these jurors? are they going to be able to sentence her to death? >> you know, that is part of the defense team strategy here, to get the jurors to know her and sympathize with some aspect of her life or the experiences that she has gone through. it will be really important for the defense team to hammer home this is someone in abusive relationship, a theory of a abusive relationship. she had post-tramatic stress disorder. that essentially she was a battered woman, and that's why she reacted way she reacted and that's why she enacted the killing. jon: nobody likes to be lied to, dan. so when he hammers home she is been lying to this jury is that what he is trying to do, stir up resentment among jurors? >> certainly it is putting it right in her face. a lot of people have been saying because she has been in front. jury so long they can't sentence her to death
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ultimately. she has been in front of them lying to them over and over again. i'm sure they don't appreciate it. she made the comment before the trial no jury would ever convict her. there is lot going against her here. jon: dan shore, carrie hackett. arguments from the defense side today. >> thank you. >> thank you. jon:. arthel: new details in the boston bombing investigation. we're finding out today exactly what killed one of the suspects as we're learning he and his brother reportedly planned a 4th of july attack but decided to move the target date up. retired fbi agent jeff lanza will join us next to talk about that story. how billions of dollars in taxpayer money going towards unemployment claims filed by people who are already working.
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arthel: new details in the boston marathon bombing investigation. the suspects reportedly planned to blow themselves up on the 4th of july. now it is not clear where in boston they would have carried out the suicide attacks, but ultimately authorities say they opted to use pressure cooker bombs and targeted the marathon because it coincides when they finished assembling the explosives. jeff lanza, special retired fbi agent here. lots to talk about, jeff, good morning to you first of all. >> good morning, arthel. arthel: talk about the significance of the date of the 4th of july. how that applies and impact
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the charge pending against dzhokar, the three other suspects the friends of dzhokar? >> i think the date implies the motivation for this particular attack was based on a radical form of jihad. they were attacking us or wanted to attack us on that symbolic date because they were attacking, you know, our independence. the symbol of our country and we celebrate on that particular day. and so that tell tells you u. us based on the radical form of jihad to try to spread their form of radical form of islam. arthel: and what does it say that dzhokar apparently has told investigators from his hospital bed that he said, yes, we did visit the website of anwar al-awlaki? >> yeah, again what it gets back to which is very consistent what the fbi has been saying from 9/11. it is not as much as al qaeda as a threat but the threat of homegrown terrorists or people inside this country who become radicalized and watching
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videos and adhering to the teaching of radical clerics as they did in this case according to what he said. and they operate under the radar screen and they're more difficult to detect these individuals because they're in this country, legally, and they operate under law enforcement's radar screens so to speak. arthel: is this new information affect what could happen to those three friends? >> well, it is very possible. now the friends are charged basically with trying to cover up the crime. arthel: correct. >> i'm not sure that the charges will be escalated based on this new information. it looks like based on what we've heard and from what we've seen in the charging documents, the affidavit, that they were, their actions were spontaneously motivated. they heard and they saw the images of their friend on the news and decided to help him cover up the crime. i'm not sure the fact that they were planning the attack on july 4th will have any bearing on the charges facing those three individuals. arthel: speaking of those photos, apparently after the photos by the fbi were
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released and put on television, about three hours after that, tamerlan, the deceased brother, apparently made a phone call to his wife, katherine russell. she is apparently cooperating with authorities. what is important about that phone call? what could they possibly glean from from that conversation? >> what they can glean from that, what the relationship was and how much she knew. look, the fbi will try to determine who knew about the attacks beforehand and who helped them plan the attacks. those are two different things and two different types of charges. if she was involved in any way of planning the attacks, then, that phone call may be an important component of that, what went on during that phone call and she could be charged of course as an accessory. if she just knew the attacks were going to occur or anyone did, they could be charged with not alerting authorities, similar way to a person after the oklahoma city attack was charged with not alerting authorities that knew about that attack in advance and he got 10 years in prison for that. all he had to do in that
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case, he could have pick up a phone and saved 168 lives. charges could be filed in a case like if the fbi could have prove that happen here. arthel: all the lives could be saved and all the people in boston who were injured. jeff, thanks very much for your perspective. >> you're welcome. arthel: jeff, you will do an interview on the same subject next hour and i think, we're going to find out hopefully within our show the cause of death of tamerlan, the brother. jon: that's what everybody is wanting to know. was it police bullets? was it something else. here's another question that is out now. where is lindsay lohan? she was supposed to check into a court-approved rehab facility on the east coast today. instead the actress was spotted shopping on the west coast. all the latest lindsay drama for you next. plus, the jobs market may be improving but that is not stopping some people from trying to scam unemployment insurance. just how much it is costing you and how people are
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arthel: well, lindsay lohan may have just avoided another stint in jail. rick has the latest, rick? >> reporter: arthel, we have to take this to "tmz". lindsey checked into the betty ford center in rancho mirage, california. comes after a day of confusion over her exact whereabouts. for now any way, means prosecutors will hold off issuing a warrant for her arrest. this was a scene, or a scene from the courtroom yesterday. she was supposed to have been there but she wasn't. her lawyers said because lohan at that very moment checking herself into a different rehab center called morningside recovery. >> my client is ensconced in
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the boos some -- bosom of that facility right now. she will meet later today with a psychiatrist and her therapy and treatment is undergoing, you know, immediate commencement. >> except she wasn't in the bosom of that facility as he put it. instead she was driving around southern california plotting her next move. she moss complete a 90-day treatment program, court ordered after crashing her car last june. ard to keep track of all the run-ins in the law which included theft of a necklace. "tmz" says she is now at the betty ford center. and at heat we might not have to talk about her for 90 days, arthel. arthel: let's hope so. rick thank you very much. jon: the number of people filing for unemployment benefits has gone up as the jobs market has a slow recovery but as you might expect not all claims are legitimate. a recent study by the st. louis fed, more than $3
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billion of your taxpayer dollars were paid out in 2011. who is ripping us off and how are they getting away with it? keith rogers with and has been looking into it for us. >> thanks for having me. jon: how are they getting away with it. you said $3 billion of a $100 billion program. >> $108 billion program. what is really stunning about the numbers, 2.2 billion is going to people who are actually still working. so they're defrauding the government and pretty much their full-time job. jon: collecting a paycheck at the same time? >> they absolutely are. they're doing it a lot of time working in jobs that pay under the table like service positions, construction. they're collecting that cash and also filing for these unemployment benefits. jon: how do they get away with it? >> they're getting away with it because the government program has been so expansive before the recession when it was $40 billion a year. now it is over $100 billion a year. with more people in the system it is harder for the government to keep an eye who is really filing truth
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fully and who is scramming under the radar. jon: what does it take to get unemployment benefits? why is it so easy? >> the focus has been getting money out the door and to people who need it most according to labor analysts i spoke with. with more bodies in the system it is harder to keep track of who is doing this truthfully and who is scamming the system. jon: give us examples of some of the scams you've seen. >> sure. i spoke to the right investigators that are hired by different employers to look into people. one told me, a really stunning story about a man in connecticut collecting so much in unemployment he built himself an entire lake house, front property, a palace, the investigator called it. it was that extravagant. no one caught on until the guy was almost done building it. next he found doing trash investigating. so he was going through different garbage bags of one suspect. he found a full manila envelope of all different hr contacts this man was working with at different companies. he was either paying them off or friends with them.
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so when the government would call say, hey, is john looking for work? yeah he is looking for work. he is not a right fit for this position but he is looking and can still collect his benefits. this guy was on his second bought of unemployment. jon: this is our tax money getting paid to these people. wow, unbelievable. kate, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. jon: arthel? arthel: jon, that is unbelievable. by the way we are waiting for defense closing arguments in the jodi arias murder trial. and for the jury to begin deliberating her fate. we have a brand new hour starting in four minutes. it is action-packed. stay with us right here on "happening now." ing around the country asking people to try on these amazing depend silhouette briefs. oh, it's cheryl burke! who's is guy? security. cheryl, hi! i know you don't need one but would you try on the depend silhouette for charity? right now? under this? why not? for charity? now's the perfect time, cause with soft fabric and waistband, the best protection looks, fits and feels just like underwear.
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our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. >> reporter: we are hear in the "happening now" control room. a brand-new hour coming your way right now on "happening now." brand-new information on the boston marathon bombing including where the home-made bombs were made and when we might hear a cause of death for the older tsarnaev brother. also, we'll take you live to the scene of a massive wildfire in southern california, almost a thousand firefighters are working on this thing, and we've got one of our best reporters there to cover it all. and we are always told how important it is to wash our hands, well it is of course important to do that, but could a common ingredient in antibacterial soap lead to other health problems? the doctor is in, all of that and breaking news as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now.
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arthel: welcome to a brand-new hour of "happening now" . i'm arthel neville in for jenna who is on assignment for "happening now." jon: good to have you here. jenna will be black monday. i'm jon scott. secretary of state john kerry and vice president joe biden taking part in a state department ceremony honoring employees who have died serving our countries. eight names added to the plaque in this year's ceremony including that of ambassador chris stevens and three other americans killed in the benghazi terror attacks. this comes as congress is set to hold more hearings on the attack on the u.s. consulate and the inspector general of the state department ordering an investigation of the blue ribbon panel of investigators who looked into the september 111th attack. that angle of the story broken by our own james rosen, our chief washington correspondent who joins us now from washington. james. >> reporter: jon, good afternoon. even as the benghazi story deepens with the investigators themes now under investigation and new details coming to light
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about the drafting process for the falls talking points delivered by u.n. ambassador susan rice five days after the attack the state department came together in unity to hopper fallen heroes. career diplomats and others while serving or seas. one of them a young woman 25 years old. secretary of state kerry paid tribute to all eight of them including the four who died in benghazi, and this included some records of remembrance for the two security personnel who died on the front lines, if you will, last 9/11, and whom you see on your screen. all right we are expecting to hear from secretary kerry who talked about how ty woods and glen tkaur tee died defende defend being the u.n. and exin benge and helped 30 americans to escape from the attacks. steve hayes of the weekl "the weekly standard" reports that a
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timeline of the talking points, it shows that victoria new land, deputy nsc adviser ben roads and mike morel all requested changes to early intelligence drafts that had been explicit in naming al-qaida affiliates as being involved in the attack on september 14, just three days after the attacks the documents show cia stated the crowd almost certainly are was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of libyan owe site. that being said we know that islamist extremists with ties to al-qaida participated in the attack unquote. >> based on the initial, our initial information and that includes all information, we saw no evidence to back up claims by others that this was a preplanned or premeditated attack. >> reporter: that was on september 18. more from the state department's daily press briefing later this hour. jon. jon: all right. that is an interesting case james, stay on it. thank you. >> reporter: thank you.
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arthel: jon, new information on the boston marathon bombings. relatives have claimed the body of the 26-year-old bombing suspect. a funeral home retained by his family picked up the remains yesterday, clearing the way for the medical examiner to file a death certificate, which will reveal the cause of death. now the "associated press" reports funeral arrangements are being handled by a funeral home that has experience with muslim services, and now we're learning the suspect's originally planned to strike on the 4th of july, but found they were able to build the bombs more quickly than expected. so they changed their plans, because the bombs were finished early, choosing the boston marathon on patriot's day. peter doocy live in boston now. how do we know that the suspects changed their plans? >> reporter: arthel, because that's what dzhokhar tsarnaev told authorities. basically explaining that during the bomb-making process, which sources now say likely took place at his brother tamerlan's house, the two brothers had a
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kind of timeline for how long it would take them to get ready for an attack and they basically just finished faster than expected and didn't feel like waiting to strike. so, that's when the finish line here at the boston marathonee merged as what national security sources now describe as a target of opportunity. we are also now hearing that the tsarnaev brothers were not your typical home-grown terrorists, because homegrown terrorists typically just build one kind of ied, these terrorists built four different kind of ied, and they were all effective. arthel. arthel: peter we know lots of donations have poured in, have we heard anything about financial relief for the victims? >> reporter: we have. we heard this morning now that families of the victims who were killed in the attacks are in line to receive more than one million dollars. those who lost multiple limbs are in line now to receive about the same amount, more than a million dollars. and folks who lost just one limb we are hearing are going to
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receive close to a million dollars, that money is going to come from the one fund, which has more than $28 million in it right now. the man in charge of giving up that money kenneth feinberg did the same thing with the tpwhao*eupb compensation fund. he obviously can't make rehab any easier physically for these people but financially it's going to be a big help on a lot of people who really need it right now, arthel. arthel: of course we're happy that the funds are bein distributed. i tell you what i tell you what people would trade all the money in the world to have their loved ones back. thank you so much for the report, peter. jon: fox news alert and a ferocious wildfire is threatening thousands of homes in southern california. high winds are driving the ra springs fire as it's known. so far flames have consumed about 15 square miles of brush and timber and 154 firefighters on the scene. ee evacuate evacuation orders are in place.
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4,000 homes and a university is in the danger zone. 15 homes damaged. listen to this worried home of owner. >> we are hoping that the fire department is doing a good job. they just went up the road and they say that they taking care of the properties up there, and it's just amazing to see how many firetrucks going up and down, and they are doing a good job. we just hoping everything will be okay. jon: william la jeunesse joins us live from camarillo, california. william. >> reporter: well, jon, we are on pacifi pacific coast highway. malibu 8 miles in that direction, santa barbara 15 miles over there. let's go to live pictures and let me show you why southern california is the nation's wildfire capital. of it is may, yet temperatures today and the weather 90 degrees. santa ana wind up to 40-mile an hour gusts. humidity below 10%. then the fuel, this is the third
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dryist winter on record. five inches of rain, not 15 which is normal. you see some green in the hills, underneath that is a lot of dead under growth and a lot of it has been dead for decades. a lot of native plants create a lot of oil making nor a fast-burning fire. the steep canyons accelerate the wind, difficult for firefighters to get in there and cut line. you can't get bulldozers in the steeper areas. 15 square miles burned, a fast-moving trifle out of control. 10% contained. 950 firefighters as you said, jon. 4,000 homes threatened. 15 structures destroyed or damaged. the air attack began as the sun came up, that makes a big difference, it allows them to slow down the fire. the other thing that you're going to have these crews doing, some will do structure protection, other guys will get out on the fire line and build line, aouz a doize use a dozer
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in the flat areas. air quality bad. the santa anas have been driving of it a lot out to the ocean. we expect better weather today, lower temperatures over the weekend the winds to die down. the cost right now about $1.6 million. to fight a wildfire in california is about a million dollars a day. some of that figure is obviously going to go up. this is not large 10,000 acres, 100,000 acres is big. it depends on where the structures are and the damage that can be done to those structures. any firefighter will tell you, you know, when you have a wind-driven fire like this one you can smother it, drown it, slat they are it with foam nothing is going to work when you have those type of conditions and over the last 24 hours that's the way it's been out here. back to you, jon. jon: it sure looks like a beautiful day but a scary one out there. william la jeunesse, thank you. arthel: just in, stocks soaring right now where the dow breaking the 15,000 mark earlier this morning, thanks to a better than expected april jobs numbers.
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the labor department reporting 165,000 private sect he shall jobs created last month driving the unemployment rate down to a four-year low of 7.5%. the new numbers don't tell the whole story, specifically in manufacturing and youth unemployment. elizabeth pran live in washington with the latest. >> reporter: you're right the unemployment numbers from this morning may not be such good news for students grabbing their college diplomas this spring. million also of them listen to commencement speeches across the nation about entering their adult life, but economically they are entering the job market in the wake of a recession, so, a young adult between the ages of 18 to 29 are feeling an 11.1% unemployment rate, which is basically stagnant from last month which was right around 141.7%. according to generation opportunity, a kwroult advocacy group, that number eupd combined with the 1.7 million unemployed
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young adults who aren't actively searching form the job is the effective job rate, that is 16.1 perfected, down from 16.2% from last month. >> 1.7 million young americans want to be working, and they can't, they can't find meaningful work. it's because there are no jobs in the economy for young people. it's not a problem that we've created, it's one my generation is inheriting. we are struck graduating college. 2million young people are grad wraeuting college just this wreck and this month, and those folks will have about a 50-50 shot of finding meaningful work. that is not acceptable. >> reporter: economist -gs are concerned with the long-term effects if students can't find jobs now, then when can they? and the troubles are leaving mental scars along with the tangible ones. the proposed minimal wage increase he says will be crippling to young americans. it priestess young people out of the market because it makes them too expensive for employers. back to you. arthel: thank you for that
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reporting. jon: developing in the investigation into the boston terror attack new information on where the bombs were made, and more questions about how much a widow really knows. plus, a possible warning to iran, a new development in u.s. weaponry that could make that rogue nation think twice about its own nuclear program. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪
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jon: "happening now" in the boston terror attack investigation, new reports quoting law enforcement sources who say that the bombs that killed three people and wounded more than 200 others were built in suspect tamerlan tsarnaev's cam cambridge apartment. the same home he shared with his wife and child. his widow is remaining largely out of view inside her parents' home in rhode island of since her husband died after a violent shootout with police. reports are surfacing that the tsarnaev's original target date
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was july 4th, not the day of the boston marathon. boston home to one of america's biggest and most revered independence day celebrations. michael balboni served as director of homeland security nor the state of new york and is senior fellow at the homeland security policy institute at george washington university. you've had long experience investigat investigating these kinds of things. does it make sense that these brothers could be building bombings in the apartment and the wife wouldn't know anything about it, wouldn't know what they were up to. >> you and i if we came into our kitchen and somebody was putting something together we'd sit there and say, what are you doing? how could it possibly be the fact that she didn't know. strange things happen, remember columbine? the kids were able to assemble basically an arsenal in bombs underneath their parents' noses. just having fireworks in and of itself. jon: without the are parents nothing about it. >> these are not professional bombers, they hadn't tkhopb this
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beforehand. it is quite possible that she might not have known. it certainly raises the question as to what did she know and what was their relationship at the time? investigator are still looking at what was she doing at the time when he was overseas? jon: she has said through her attorney that she had absolutely no knowledge that they were planning to build these bombs and attack the marathon. >> right. she would have to have information, maybe she could pick up from her email exchanges from her husband that they were doing something, that they had become more radicalized. the smokes gun would be a transmission that says we are going to do something violent and her response or nonresponse. jon: apparently the surviving brother dzhokhar said they only chose the boston marathon ahead of time because they haled the bombs financ bombs finished and it was a target of opportunity. does that fit the facts? >> without a doubt. that is exactly the way it has to work. there is an old saying, why hunt tigers when you can hunt sheep?
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go after the target of opportunity where people are not looking, not prepared. do that with some preop rational surveillance. this is what makes this case so difficult for law enforcement and security, again, these are guys had no prior footprint within the legal community, they hadn't been stopped, hadn't had arrest records and they got radicalized beneath the radar screen and go and develop a device using home-grown materials and they go around and say we are going to strike on no prior conceived timetable -fpblt it's very hard to pick up. jon: three of dzhokhar's friend have been arrested in recent days for having made a role in the aftermath of the investigation. no evidence i'm aware of to this point that they actually helped in advance of the marathon bombs. it's just breaking according to the "associated press" that customs officials are now being ordered effective immediately to verify that every foreign student arriving in the u.s. has a valid student visa. now, why in the world this wasn't done before now i don't
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know, but apparently a couple of dzhokhar's friends, their visas were not good. >> you know, it's very, very difficult, this has been a long-standing controversial issue. the custom and borders say your visa has expired now you have to do something with that. who enforces it? local police at state and local agents do not want to become custom agents. it's a question of resources, how much money do you give to the immigration officials, what kind of patrols can they do? it's kind of a sticky issue, but now what boston is highlighting is there must be much better cooperation. jon: one of of the kids apparently had dropped out of school completely, show up back in the country after a trip home, does -pbt have a visa and we let him any anyway. >> you're going to see a lot of these questions being raised. including when the information came from a foreign source there is going to be a whole reexamination of how custom and borders operates within the location hraoeuszed community. jon: does it suggest that we've got even a little l lacks since 9/11 2001.
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>> 1 eleven and a half years it's very, very difficult to continue the high surveillance and vigilance. this is a chilling reminder that these are targets of opportunity and we are still the target. jon: the former head of new york's department of homeland security. michael thank you. arthel: a very big week for the investigation into the benghazi attacks that left four brave americans dead. hearings set to start on send wednesday as new questions are raised about media coverage of the story. also, new concerns over washing your hands, why an ingredient in antibacterial soap may not be safe, what the fda is saying, next.
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arthel: flew health kerps about the safety much apt tie bacterial soap a common chemical
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found in 75% of antibacteria soaps and body washes is being linked to health risks in animal. the chemical has been used in the u.s. household for more than 40 years. it's found in many products from hand soap to toothpaste. animal studies indicate it could cause infertility, hormone problems and early puberty in humans. now the fda will decide if the soaps are safe. dr. david zumati a member of the fox news medical a team and the chief of the division the robotics at mt. sinai hospital is here to talk about this. i'm happy to see you. let's get right to it. are the soaps safe or not. >> you have to under where this came from. it has been around for 40 years. nobody knows about this more than surgeons, because a longtime ago in the 1970s we actually used it to wash our hand before we go to the operating room for an antibacterial found its way to d
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kitchen hands and everybody started to use it. we even used it on our foley catheter as urologists to reduce the amount of infections. somebody woke up one day and said it's not a bad idea to use it on our lunch box, soap hand lotion -gs, now fda its looking into it to see if it will really help us or not. the key in the presentation are is most of the studies are animal studies. there is no good study in humans. you have to be careful about what we say today about this. there are cases of infertility. it can interfere with the testosterone level and hormonal changes such as estrogen. that is the big concern. i'm glad the fda is looking into this. >> will 40 years later? it took a longtime. >> and guess what we don't have a real human clinical trial to find out what the onsers are. i don't want people to panic, but be careful and we'll see what the news will be after the fda investigates.
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>> we are still going to use it for now. >> i would. i think the future of this is going to put the chemical out of our life. i'll tell you why. there is a great study came out of michigan looked at 30 different studies comparing whether it helps or not and there is no huge, major advantage in antibacterial, so hopefully next year when we do this segment again there won't be any of the chemical. arthel: i understand that lipsticks can be cancerous, what are you talking about doctor? >> i thought you would like this topic, right? so we're talking about the fact that in lipsticks there is a lot of metals, aluminum, cadmium, kroefpl yum. i chromium. this is different than the first topic because you're putting it on your lips. you actually chew and it it can go through the mouth and you can absorb a lot of the metals. the one of real concern is the chromium, a lot of it can lead to stomach cancer and that's a big concern over here. how much lipstick is too much? arthel: that's the question. i probably on the days i wear
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lipstick i probably apply like 15 times a day. >> and 15 is a terrible number, and you have to be careful. average user applies about 2.3 times a day of lipstick on their lips. and that's okay because they get about 24 milligrams of these metals. if you use 14 to 15 times now you are getting about 84 to 100 milligrams that is a lot. now, just to put it in perspective we are getting a lot of metals from our food, from water, from other things, so this is a small pores, except when you use it a lot. so the big message to a lot of people out there, if you like lipstick and that glossy look slow down and only go when 22 to 3 times a day not more if you can. you have the natural beauty so i'm sure you don't need a lot of lipstick. arthel: my word that is chalked full of information. that scarce me but i'm not going to than pa i can. doctor, thank you very much. >> nice to see you. jon: jon, good thing you don't have to worry about this. jon: i am happy about that. after months of testimony and
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sensational headlines about sex, lies and a very brutal murder the defense is set for closing arguments in the jodi arias trial. the latest in a live report coming up. plus, major developments this week concerning the benghazi terror attack, the white house response, and the mainstream media coverage, our news watch panel weighs in next. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪
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i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up [ baby fussing ] my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough.
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♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. arthel: the defense presenting its closing arguments today in the jodi arias murder trial.
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she faces a potential death sentence if convicted of first-degree murder in the death of her boyfriend. the trial captured attention around the world with sensational testimony about sex, lies, and a bloody killing. prosecutor juan martinez delivered his closing arguments yesterday, describing arias as a manipulative liar who meticulously planned the savage attack. >> she is trying to get away from this. and she may cry now, but the jury instructions have told you that sympathy is not to be considered in this particular case. no doubt that she did it, no doubt that he's trying to get away frommer 4. arthel: adam housley is followin following the trial. >> reporter: this trial has captivated the legal w0r8d since december when jury selection began. the judge told the jury it would
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be over by now. jodi arias being on the stand for over two weeks is a reason why it was stretched out. the prosecution was very aggressive in closing arguments. the defense team has just started in the last ten minutes their defense, their closing arguments, with kirk newmy right away many coulding out, the lead defense attorney nor jodi arias, he came out right aeu way and said nine out of ten days he doesn't even like jodi arias, quite a revelation. he says that is not the reason why you vote to convict her, it's not because you don't like her, heights on the facts. an interesting way to begin in this packed courtroom as jodi arias has family there, of course, travis alexander the victim of this alleged murder has multiple family members there. they took up a whole separate row. his defense which we are seeing live right now follows the prosecutor's closing arguments yesterday and juan martinez really laid out a strong case of why he believes she should be found guilty of first-degree murder. >> she stabbed him in the heart, he would die from that,
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certainly the throat, was immediately fatal, and the gunshot would also have been -- would have been fatal. we do know that she cleaned up, and it isn't because she loved mr. alexander that she cleaned him up. of it isn't that she wanted him to look good, even though he would -- with all due respect he used a little bit crunched up there. >> reporter: we don't know how long the defense team will take with the closing arguments. it could go throughout the morning into the afternoon. but we do know the jury should get the case by the end of the day and they'll have to decide whether she's guilty or not and if she is guilty, first-degree, second degree or manslaughter. it will be interesting to she how the jury comes out. i will say watching this trial for almost the entirety of it, monitoring this every day in our office, the jury when they had a chance to ask questions of the defense team's experts i'll give you an example. one of the prosecution's experts 15 questions. the main defense experts 155. the great majority were very skeptical. it's very interesting to see how
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the jury will find and how quickly they'll find if they do it fast at all if they don't get hung. arthel: it's been interesting every step of the way. adam housley, thank you very much. >> reporter: all right. jon: it's been a very big week for the white house when it could manies to the benghazi terror attack that claimed the lives of ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. it started with this exchange on tuesday between chief white house correspondented hepbt reof fox news at a press conference. >> there are people in your own state defendant say they are blocked from coming forward that they survived the terror attack and want to tell their story. would you help them come forward and say it once and for call? >> i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. what i'll do is i will find out what exactly you're referring to. jon: and yesterday the fbi came out with these grainy images of three individuals they would like to bring in for questioning in connection with the benghazi attack, nearly eight months
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after the attack took place. is all of this a coincidence? an fbi spokesman telling fox news, quote, our plan to publicize the photos was in the work for weeks, and in a statement the fbi also says, quote, we are seeking information about three individuals who were on the grounds of the u.s. special mission when it was attacked. these individuals may be able to provide information to help the investigation, end quote. so, how are media outlets other than fox treating this story? let's bring in our news watch panel, skwhraoud it miller is an out author and a pulitzer prize price investigative reporter with countless trips to the middle east. ellen ratner is a talk host. does it surprising you that the tpwrafs came out in the same week that the president is taking heat in his news conference? >> it's such a coincidence that it's hard not to make a connection between these through events.
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and i think we finally have come to the point where the mainstream media are going to have to cover this story, whether or not they want to, and clearly many of them have not wanted to. fox news has been repeatedly in front on this story because it as assigned priority to it, and i think we're not talking about whether or not the president at his press conference was passive. we're now talking about charges that there may be a potential cover up here. this is very serious, and attention must be paid. jon: over at cnn aaron burr net is apparently claiming credit for getting the photos out there, it's because of all the reporting she's done and the heat they've put on the fbi >> i would not go that far. i certainly would not go that in a are at all. what i do find interesting in terms of media reporting or not reporting, is that the president did say, in his press conference, well, that he was unaware of this. and what i think is interesting, whether you believe the president or not, i tend to believe the president on this
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one, is why did they not get at the facts? was he not briefed on this? was he not briefed on people that wanted to get their own attorneys? i find that very interesting, and if he's not being briefed on it, why not? jon: when you first hear the president's response, judd de, i don't know i always have to ask what the intent is. he said, i am not familiar. >> of course. jon: it wasn't a denial. >> i think that was a denial. >> come on, ellen from the beginning this administration's mo has been to delay, delay answering questions on benghazi. first it was to get them through the election. now it's to avoid an investigation of a cover up. cox on. you don't know and you're not briefed if you don't want to answer a question. jon: when jay carney thaobg to the podium and said essentially benghazi happened seven months ago, as though it's ancient history. >> i disagree with that. listen if i was the president of the united states, which i'm
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not, and some mistake were made, come out and say mistakes were made. but i really do fault that either he doesn't spend time on the internet alone, which, you know, maybe he doesn't really have time, or why wasn't he briefed on this? i believe that he was not familiar, i do. jon: it's the first time, judy, and i've said this over and over, the first time we've had an ambassador killed since something like 1979. >> 79. jon: and the there just doesn't seem to be a whole lot of concern in washington about that. >> there is a certain surreal quality to experiencing all of this jon, while we are honoring, honoring today those who died at the state department. i mean, at some point people have to say, enough, enough with the evasions. how is it the state inspector general, the state department's inspector general is now investigating the blue ribbon panel that was supposed to answer these yes questions? let's get straight answers and straight talk from the white house.
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>> if it had not happened in a advance of theee location. let's say the election had pw-r taken place. would the white house, the administration, the state department be handling this differently? >> i think that they would have. this is time nor post partisan journalists on both sides right and left to talk about this. we want answers from the administration on this and many other issues. jon: ellen ratner. judy miller, thank you both. >> thank you. jon: you can catch more with this great panel when i host fox news watch this weekend. we will cover the coverage of the week's top stories, that is saturday, 2:30 eastern time right here on fox news channel. arthel. arthel: jon, spaoerbing of media coverage, violent street clashes during may day protest in a major american city. why there was virtually no coverage in the mainstream media. the uncomfortable truth in plain sight. plus this may ge get iran's attention. the new developments in an already powerful u.s. weapon that could make the rogue nation think twice about building its own nuclear bomb.
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arthel: "happening now" a possible warning for iran. fox news can now report the pentagon is upgrading its largest conventional bombs making them more precise and giving them more burying power. the bunker buster bombs could enable the u.s. military to destroy iran's heavily defended and in some cases deeply buried nuclear sites.
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michael singh a former director of international affairs joins us now. do you feel this is more like ha power move, a bump lee move or is there real cause for concern? >> well, look, i think that as part of a strategy to try to deter iran or dissuade iran from continuing with its nuclear weapons program we need to have a credible military threat. we talk about military options being on the table, but you have to have more than just talk if the iranians are going to believe that. this sort of step, taking improvements on this very large bunker busting bomb which really only has one target in mind, that buried nuclear facility in iran is certainly one step to establish that military credibility. arthel: it has that target because that particular nuclear enrichment plant is underground, deeply underground. so, how abg reul accurate is this 30,000-pound pw*upblge bunker buster bomb we are are
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talking about? i couldn't tell you specifically. i don't know. any bunker buster liker this is it bureaus in the ground and high school a delayed newz and explodes underground. the bigger the bomb the bigger are the explosion. that is the operative principle here. arthel: you can't get there by air so you have to go down deep understand. that is the main idea there. let's talk about ahmadinejad. i think that you can talk about that for sure and his reaction. the idea is to say once again listen if you don't come to the table table with more diplomacy this is what could happen to you this is what is looming in your future. is he listening? does he ever? right now i would say arthel that iran is sort of consumed with domestic politics. when you ask about ahmadinejad he's ending his term as president and is very focused on getting his sort of hand-picked successor elected against really the opposition of almost the entire political class in iran. and so iran is looking very inward right now. i think that still they will
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take note of these kinds of signals, plus, for example, the military hardware that we just recently promised to the israelis like midair refuelers. i'll say it goes beyond just the hardware, it goes beyond just the capacity to attack. i think we also need to show that we have the will to attack iran to make this military kret credible. as we kind of sit here passively looking at a situation like syria, even as bashar al-assad for example, crosses the president's red lines as we look at what is happening in north korea and don't really do anything, we haven't yet established that we have the will to act in iran. arthel: of course you mention end the elections, upcoming elections in iran happening in june. in intact there is a new regime or a current regime or something similar to a current regime in terms of principles do you think anybody is listening if there is no punch or no bite to the park? >> there has to be that bite. you have to have a comprehensive
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strategy against iran. the sanctions are a report of that. the nuclear negotiations are a part of that, even though they haven't really gone anywhere for all these years. a vital part of it is this idea that we have a military threat that is credible on the table, because ultimately the regime i think will only move, will only compromise if it fears for its own survival, and i'm just not sure they fear that right now. arthel: i have to go, but of course we just leave it out there, there is of course israel and wondering if this now new development with this bunker buster will increase or decrease their chances of a unilateral bombing of iran. unfortunately i have to leave it there. it's a teaser. we'll talk about it next time. thank you very much. >> thanks, arthel. jon: out west thousands of acres of dry parched land burning out of control in southern california. the latest on the wildfires there threatening homes and lives just north of los angeles. and a teacher out of a job claims he was fired for showing a student a bible. the growing controversy in
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jon: fox news alert now we are watching the situation in southern california as the wildfires in ventura county continues to rage. rick has the latest from the newsroom. >> reporter: we are monitoring the pictures coming to us live from southern california. listen to the numbers nor a second. 4,000 homes threatened, 10,000 acres burned, 954 firefighters on the scene, that number has jumped in just the last hour. only 10% containment at this point. this is just awful. 15 homes have already been damaged and a red flag warning is in effect now until 5:00 local time tonight. that means high winds and no humidity. not a good combo for the firefighters. some of those wind gusts are reaching speeds, jon of up to
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45 miles an hour. there is some potential good news in the forecast, though, as some forecasters are saying those wind will begin to taper off a little bit later on today. they've been doing water drops on the flames since the sun came up this morning. more resources are being brought in. we told you about the increased number of firefighters. some of the homeowners nearby have been evacuated. the flames continuing to creep towards malibu, which of course has some of the most expensive real estate in the country. a dangerous situation. hopefully mother nature there will be able to help out and the weather allows those firefighters to start getting the upper hand on this situation. we'll keep you posts as we learn more. jon: they are hoping for the wind shift later today. hope they get it. rick, thanks. arthel: a new controversy over religious freedom, a new jersey substitute teacher says he was fired for letting an inquisitive student take a look at his bible. now that thaoefper its fighting back claiming disnam discrimination. lauren green is joining us
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live. what happened? >> reporter: first he showed the student the bible then he gave it to him as a gift. that's why the substitute teacher claims he was fired last fall at fill a middle school in new jersey. he says the first shall be last and the last shall be first because the student whraus a straggler. the curious student asking where it came from. >> the student came to me and as i said to you, it wasn't once, twice, three, four, it had to be seven times, he approached me, stopped me, and he was very inquisitive. he wanted to know. he wanted to know. >> reporter: he tells fox he was fired because the school says he violated a district policy about handing out religious materials. he was working along religious freedom advocate the liberty institute has filed an equal opportunity claim claiming religion just discrimination. the school district will not comment on the case because it is a personal matter. the americans united for separation of church and state say regardless of how curious
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the student is he should not have given him the bible. >> the constitution says schools have to be neutral not hostile but neutral when it comes to religion, and a simple answer for this student would have been, this is from the christian bible, it's from matthew 20 verse 16, why don't you ask your parents about getting you a bible. that's what should have been done. he chose not to do that. he chose to distribute the bible himself. >> reporter: his attorney points out the school library has bibles and says, what his client did is nothing more than what the librarian will do nor a student who wants to check out a copy. arthel. arthel: thank you very much for that report. and "happening now" will be back in a moment
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>>. >> arthel: a little friday treat may 4th is unofficially star wars day. one of the best characters, one of the best characters, side kick, we found out today that jon scott truly is multitalented. listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> really? >> jon: you voted me into that. my career is over. >> arthel: no, it's no the. he has sense of humor too.
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>> jon: my kids liked me to do the impersonation so i developed the chubaka. >> arthel: america live starts right now. breaking details right now in the boston bombing investigation. federal, state and local authorities are combing the woods near dartmouth where suspect d tar went to cool. i'm megyn kelly. this is brand-new search video. steps away from the 19-year-old's dorm room and the buildings where he attended class. a spokeswoman for the u.s. attorney's office that the bureau of atf is taking the lead on this search but could not say what the authorities are looking for. this is learning new details


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